Empowering Schools for Disaster Preparedness
School-Based Disaster Risk Management Training (SBDRM)
Training students and teachers to effectively respond to disasters in flood-affected regions.
Promoting Safety and Awareness
Gender-Based Violence Awareness Sessions
Raising awareness and fostering resilience to combat gender-based violence in communities.
Empowering Village Organizations for Disaster Resilience
Social Mobilization and Capacity Building Training
Building the capacity of Village Organizations to enhance disaster preparedness and recovery.
Distribution of NFI and Hygiene Kit HEADS-IRC Project
Distribution of NFI and NFI and Hygiene Kit
PHPF-UN OCHA Education Project
TLC School Class in
Lifesaving Assistance to Flood Affected
in KP Pakistan DRA Flood Response
Orakzai Hand Pump Installation
Cash for Work Activities under IRC DEC Phase-II Project Restoration of Drains-2
Restoration of Drains-2
Activities for children in WGSS (5)