
Structure of Heads

HEADS has an independent Board of Directors (BoDs) responsible for the policy-level decisions. The Executive Director (ED) is the administrative head who along with the Management Core Team is responsible for programs implementation. At the head office level, ED assisted by the HEADS of Program (HoP), Director Operations along with core managers heading Program Support Unit (PSU), HR, Finance, M&E, and IT&DB. HEADS has a strong Internal Financial, Social and Procurement Audit departments provides strong bases for internal control in terms of compliance and adherence to agreed terms and conditions set-forth in SOPs/donors’ agreements. The field operations are directly managed through regional offices. Each regional office is managed by Project Managers/Coordinators assisted by local field teams. At present HEADS operates in District Charsadda, Mardan, Haripur, Buner, Nowshera, D I Khan and Newly Merged Districts.